by Bees in the Burbs | May 1, 2020 | News
Beekeeping 401: Beekeeper for a day! Sunday, May 10th 9am – 11:30am Kent (meet at the gate on the corner of 64th ave S and S 226th St). AND Sunday, May 10th 1:00 – 3:30pm Green Water (meet either at the store at 12:30 or Green Water at 12:45 to be let in the gate)...
by Bees in the Burbs | Feb 6, 2020 | News
BEEKEEPING 101 & 201 Saturday, March 14th 2020 9am – 11:30am & 12pm -2:30 Combined Class of Beekeeping 101 & 201 OR Just take ONE class. Beekeeping 101 – Honeybees and Beekeeping Come learn about the honeybee species Apis mellifera and how humans keep and...
by Bees in the Burbs | Jan 9, 2020 | News
We now have the 2020 Beekeeping calendars available for sale. Created by our beekeeping teacher Danny Najera. All proceeds go to the Green River College Honeybees. So stop by the store and pick yours up today!
by Bees in the Burbs | Jan 8, 2020 | News
BEEKEEPING 101 & 201 Saturday, February 1st 2020 9am – 11am & 11:30 -1:30 Combined Class of Beekeeping 101 & 201 OR Just take ONE class. Beekeeping 101 – Honeybees and Beekeeping Come learn about the honeybee species Apis mellifera and how humans keep and...
by Bees in the Burbs | Sep 27, 2019 | News
NUC & PACKAGE DEPOSITS Bees in the Burbs We are now taking deposits for Nucs & Packages. To reserve a nuc or package, a $50 deposit OR a $100 deposit (and with the $100 deposit receive a coupon for a pollen patty) preferably received by April 1, 2020. The...
by Bees in the Burbs | Sep 12, 2019 | News
Beekeeping 401: Beekeeper for a day! Saturday, September 28th 9am – 11:30am Mt. Si Nursery – North Bend AND Saturday, September 28th 1:30 – 4:00pm Green Water (meet either at the store at 12:30 or Green Water at 1:15 to be let in the gate) Take hwy 410 East...